Support Big Dreamers

Love and Relationships

Why do we think love from another will satisfy us and solve our problems?

For too long I have thought this.

Find a mate, “the one”, and all will be fixed.

Walking a way from dating was the best fixer of my many of my problems.

Instead I took time to learn to go within.

Learning to love myself.

Learning to focus on my growth and my path was the best choice for my life.

Not everyone is meant for someone.

Not everyone wants to be in a relationship or have all that comes with having a mate.

Some of us need this lifetime to heal and grow and find peace in solitude.

When you learn to look within and seek out what is truly right for you, you can stop spending your energy on what is not allowing you to truly heal.

Direct your focus.

Allow your truth to come out.

Only you know what is right and best for you.

Only you can make the choices that fit with your life and your needs.


  • Single by choice, for my highest good. Self-care, self-growth, focused on my purpose and on my path. And Grateful for that.


– M.


Why settle with mediocre when you could allow yourself to blossom?

We are told to stay in line and to stay quiet.

Taught to stay small.

Follow the line of crowds, only do what you need to do.

Don’t step out of line.

Don’t talk back.

Don’t have a voice.

Ambition is for dreamers and losers who think they can be different and still succeed.


We ARE each different.

We DO have a voice.

We SHOULD step out of line and get away from the crowds.

We MUST learn to follow our hearts and TRUST our potential.

Bellow out your hearts desires from the very depth of your soul.

Scream and shout and dance with PASSION, for you are no robot.

You are WILD and FREE!

Keep being you.

Learn to love YOU.






– M.

You are Precious

How long as it been since you truly felt loved?

True love is the best kind of love.

Pure love.

Selfless love.

Yet, we believe it comes from outside sources.

The truest, most magical love comes from within.

Be kind to yourself.

Do good to yourself.

Love yourself in the ways you have forgotten.

Take time to care for yourself each day and become your best lover.

Find the space,

Find the time,

Devote whatever moments you can to loving yourself.

You deserve you.

Be kind to yourself today, and each day here on after.


Be Kind to Yourself Today

You Can Create Peace

To live is a gift.

To be here is a gift.

Your time here matters.

Your purpose is to grow.

To learn to have peace.

Learn to have love and understanding for what you do not understand.

Let go of judgement.

Find a way to understand that your thoughts are as powerful as your words.

You have an impact on others.

Let it be positive.

  • • •

We take so much for granted.

We judge what we do not understand.

We criticize what we do not relate to.

Why not, instead, learn to have love and peace for those and what we do not understand.

We are each on our own journey.

Learning to grow, learning to heal, it is a painful and deep experience.

Instead of judgement or criticizing, even towards ourselves, learning to just have love is a more effective way to hold space for others, as well as for ourselves.

It also allows more growth, and allows us to gain more peace.

To have love means to trust that all is purposeful for the journey and the higher understanding that the Universe is in love and it’s all good.

We must not try to control or judge others, as it is not our purpose.

We also must not overly criticize ourselves as this causes much self-hate and lowers our vibration of our healing process, into a fear state.

Love raises is up.

Love heals.

Love guides.

Love is light.

Follow the lights, but understand that there is also purpose for the darkness.



You Have an Impact on Others

Learn Patience

All things take a process.

Be easy on yourself.

Be easy on others.

Don’t force.

Don’t try to control.

Let go,

Let it be.

Growth and the process of all things is a practice of patience and trust.

Nothing can be forced or controlled into existence, that is expected to last or feel good.

Energy and expectations around love and peace will flourish when detachment of the outcome are allowed to be.

All things in life take time to become.

We must not push.

We must allow and trust that everything that is meant to be will be, in its own time.

Find your center and grow with love and peace for patience is within that truth.

-M .