Healing Journey

Sending pictures,

Sending texts,

Looking for love,

Looking for validation.

Trying to live up to everyone else’s expectations.

Hoping for love.

Looking for acceptance.

What is this life without outside validation.

Here me out.

Here me now.

See me fully.

See me wholly.

I am lost.

I am naked.

I am broken.

I am aching.

Cure me.

Fix me.

Heal me quickly.

The pains of this torture are slowly killing me.

Let me be.

Let me grow.

The only way is for me to be alone.

Find me lost.

Find me sad.

Leave me broken,

Leave me be.

I am healing,

I am picking up the scattered pieces of what’s left of me.


Love and Relationships

Why do we think love from another will satisfy us and solve our problems?

For too long I have thought this.

Find a mate, “the one”, and all will be fixed.

Walking a way from dating was the best fixer of my many of my problems.

Instead I took time to learn to go within.

Learning to love myself.

Learning to focus on my growth and my path was the best choice for my life.

Not everyone is meant for someone.

Not everyone wants to be in a relationship or have all that comes with having a mate.

Some of us need this lifetime to heal and grow and find peace in solitude.

When you learn to look within and seek out what is truly right for you, you can stop spending your energy on what is not allowing you to truly heal.

Direct your focus.

Allow your truth to come out.

Only you know what is right and best for you.

Only you can make the choices that fit with your life and your needs.


  • Single by choice, for my highest good. Self-care, self-growth, focused on my purpose and on my path. And Grateful for that.


– M.

You are Precious

How long as it been since you truly felt loved?

True love is the best kind of love.

Pure love.

Selfless love.

Yet, we believe it comes from outside sources.

The truest, most magical love comes from within.

Be kind to yourself.

Do good to yourself.

Love yourself in the ways you have forgotten.

Take time to care for yourself each day and become your best lover.

Find the space,

Find the time,

Devote whatever moments you can to loving yourself.

You deserve you.

Be kind to yourself today, and each day here on after.


Believe in Yourself


Love Yourself Enough

You are the leader of your life.

Your feet go where your mind goes.

Travel lightly and intuitively, so that you can allow an open mind to the intentions of others.

Ask the hard questions.

Listen to their truths.

Read between the lines of their words and the energy that comes with it.

So many are here to test you.

Trust the process of healing and unfolding.

You go where your mind goes.

There is so much more goodness waiting for you, just keep going.

Believe that you are here for a purpose and trust that your boundaries will also help guide your way to where you want to be and who you should be surrounded by.

Mirror what it is that you desire for your life.

Only you can get yourself there.

Be strong in your self-love so that others can see how you know you deserve to be treated.

Leave no room for those who want to take away your power.

You are in control.

Take the reins and hold on tight.

Love yourself enough.


Intuition Is A Feeling

Change Your Perspective

Precious Treasures of Life
