
Life comes with many things…

One of the most challenging parts of life can be emotions.

Feeling an overwhelming amount of grief, a longing for what could have been…

A desire to be somewhere else, or with a certain person, or whatever it may be…

In the moment, emotions can feel like gigantic waves, that are trying take you under.

A dangerous riptide in the currents of life…

How do you go on?

When will the suffering end?

Never stop feeling…

Allow each emotion to run its course.

Feel it, deeply, and understand it’s purpose is to move you.

It is guiding you on your journey.

It is even here to help you heal, to grow and to help you flourish.

We experience difficulties in order to help us with wherever we may be stuck in life.

Sometimes these experiences, as painful as they may be, happen to show us what could be… if we push ourselves out of our comfort zones and do things to help us move forward towards our goals.

They also occur in order to show us how strong we are, and how much we believe in our abilities to grow and change.

Sometimes we need these hard times to help us remember to focus inwards and to have self-control, as we are amidst a big life shift.

We cannot pretend to be robots, though the drug and alcohol industry want to help us numb away all the feelers, when nature has created us to be fully aware of ourselves and every feeling we have to feel.

Feel the feelings.

Feel the anger, the sadness, the sorrow.

Feel the pain, feel the loss, feel the loneliness and everything you feel scared to feel.

It will help you heal.

It will help you grow.

Numbing is like ignoring the sunlight that is here to feed your soul.

There is beauty in suffering, though, it isn’t always easy to see when you are in it.

Go through it then look back and see how strong and capable you are.

Through suffering, through pain, we grow.

There is peace on the other side.

There is healing, and there is beauty.

You will be okay.

Be present with your emotions and allow them to flow through you.

– M.


Let it be,

There is no force necessary.

Let it be,

The best direction is the one of the wind.

Let it go,

For each day we must allow the day to flow.

Let it go,

For in all things, the best thing is to set all worries free.


Just as the trees must reach the sky,


You will find your way.

In the end,

The best thing you will have ever done was to let it be, let it go and to grow.

Life has a way of guiding us down the path.

We must learn to be careful of what we carry with us.

Not everything (or everyone) is worthwhile of our precious energy.

– M.

Healing Journey

Sending pictures,

Sending texts,

Looking for love,

Looking for validation.

Trying to live up to everyone else’s expectations.

Hoping for love.

Looking for acceptance.

What is this life without outside validation.

Here me out.

Here me now.

See me fully.

See me wholly.

I am lost.

I am naked.

I am broken.

I am aching.

Cure me.

Fix me.

Heal me quickly.

The pains of this torture are slowly killing me.

Let me be.

Let me grow.

The only way is for me to be alone.

Find me lost.

Find me sad.

Leave me broken,

Leave me be.

I am healing,

I am picking up the scattered pieces of what’s left of me.


My Journey

Today I may be exhausted, my eyes may have heavy bags, my adrenals might feel like cement blocks….

I have been pushing so hard.

Tutoring hours, multiples times a day, walking miles, upon miles each day, being there for my inner world needs, and my outer world needs, and for others…

This is my story.

This is my path.

As my kids tell me they love me and appreciate who I am and what I have done for them, and they see how I’ve pulled myself up from toxic relationships and many years of partying that could have resulted in my life ending…

Trying and trying to find my purpose in this life…

It is times like this that I must remind myself that I am strong.

I am capable.

Some might look at me and see my lack, or they might see me better than I see myself.

It doesn’t matter.

I am still learning to see myself through the lens of love, with taking massive steps in self-improvements and making sure I am taking time to nurture my soul.

With each breath I hope to share love and light.

With each action I hope to be kind and give gratitude for this life and the experiences within it.

With every use of my voice, I hope to express good and positive things about myself and others.

Thank you for seeing me.

Thank you for reading this and taking in all that I am and have been.

My heart is full.

This life is beyond beautiful.


– M.

Love and Relationships

Why do we think love from another will satisfy us and solve our problems?

For too long I have thought this.

Find a mate, “the one”, and all will be fixed.

Walking a way from dating was the best fixer of my many of my problems.

Instead I took time to learn to go within.

Learning to love myself.

Learning to focus on my growth and my path was the best choice for my life.

Not everyone is meant for someone.

Not everyone wants to be in a relationship or have all that comes with having a mate.

Some of us need this lifetime to heal and grow and find peace in solitude.

When you learn to look within and seek out what is truly right for you, you can stop spending your energy on what is not allowing you to truly heal.

Direct your focus.

Allow your truth to come out.

Only you know what is right and best for you.

Only you can make the choices that fit with your life and your needs.


  • Single by choice, for my highest good. Self-care, self-growth, focused on my purpose and on my path. And Grateful for that.


– M.


Why settle with mediocre when you could allow yourself to blossom?

We are told to stay in line and to stay quiet.

Taught to stay small.

Follow the line of crowds, only do what you need to do.

Don’t step out of line.

Don’t talk back.

Don’t have a voice.

Ambition is for dreamers and losers who think they can be different and still succeed.


We ARE each different.

We DO have a voice.

We SHOULD step out of line and get away from the crowds.

We MUST learn to follow our hearts and TRUST our potential.

Bellow out your hearts desires from the very depth of your soul.

Scream and shout and dance with PASSION, for you are no robot.

You are WILD and FREE!

Keep being you.

Learn to love YOU.






– M.

Challenge Yourself

We have a perception of things, a way of understanding things in a certain way.

When we move away from that particular stream of thoughts we can learn to understand things in a different way.

As we move through life, some of us seek growth.

To grow, we must change the day to day, move our consciousness to different areas so we can learn to understand concepts in a different way.

This will change the way we process information, how we make decisions and how we react or even act.

Stagnant minds cannot grow.

Just like energy.

Thoughts get stuck going one way, when we have let them continue to build up momentum going down that stream of our minds.

We must move differently in order to move different muscles, so therefore we must be challenged in different ways to allow a different thought process to take place.

Getting comfortable with changes and with different challenges can allow for more peace of mind as we let go of certain patterns that we’re keeping us from even enjoying life more.

You make up the difference between your life in a state of peace or a state of discontent.

If you desire change, you must step out of that box and into the vast reality of immense possibilities there are all around you, every second of every day.

You choose.

Challenge yourself to change your mind.


– M.


If you weren’t meant to climb those mountains of your heart’s desires, then you wouldn’t have been given the desires to climb those particular mountains, in the first place.

In life we are given choices.

We are given dreams.

We are given tools.

We are given an empty page in a notebook that we must fill up worth the equations of how all these givens work together to get us to our goals.

What is your goal?

What dreams or desires have been written upon your heart?

What tools were you given to help you achieve those dreams or desires?

I see it as, you have challenges that shape you into who you must become to fulfill such dreams.

Certain paths give us the knowledge or experiences we must go through to help us build up more tools and capabilities to help guide us to the destination.

If you desire to climb a mountain, you should do everything in your power to find a way to climb that mountain.

Look within you, all around you and see all that you have been given to follow the path that you seek. If it wasn’t your destiny, then it wouldn’t be placed upon our heart to achieve it.

We are given the variables to the equation, but we must be the ones to solve the equation. It is all there for us. We just have to take the pencil and choose to write out all that we have been given to see how we can understand how to get to the outcome.

Be the writer of your story.

Be the one who follows through.

You have all that you need.

Climb that mountain.

– M.

You are Precious

How long as it been since you truly felt loved?

True love is the best kind of love.

Pure love.

Selfless love.

Yet, we believe it comes from outside sources.

The truest, most magical love comes from within.

Be kind to yourself.

Do good to yourself.

Love yourself in the ways you have forgotten.

Take time to care for yourself each day and become your best lover.

Find the space,

Find the time,

Devote whatever moments you can to loving yourself.

You deserve you.

Be kind to yourself today, and each day here on after.


You Have an Impact on Others