Healing Journey

Sending pictures,

Sending texts,

Looking for love,

Looking for validation.

Trying to live up to everyone else’s expectations.

Hoping for love.

Looking for acceptance.

What is this life without outside validation.

Here me out.

Here me now.

See me fully.

See me wholly.

I am lost.

I am naked.

I am broken.

I am aching.

Cure me.

Fix me.

Heal me quickly.

The pains of this torture are slowly killing me.

Let me be.

Let me grow.

The only way is for me to be alone.

Find me lost.

Find me sad.

Leave me broken,

Leave me be.

I am healing,

I am picking up the scattered pieces of what’s left of me.


Support Big Dreamers

Love and Relationships

Why do we think love from another will satisfy us and solve our problems?

For too long I have thought this.

Find a mate, “the one”, and all will be fixed.

Walking a way from dating was the best fixer of my many of my problems.

Instead I took time to learn to go within.

Learning to love myself.

Learning to focus on my growth and my path was the best choice for my life.

Not everyone is meant for someone.

Not everyone wants to be in a relationship or have all that comes with having a mate.

Some of us need this lifetime to heal and grow and find peace in solitude.

When you learn to look within and seek out what is truly right for you, you can stop spending your energy on what is not allowing you to truly heal.

Direct your focus.

Allow your truth to come out.

Only you know what is right and best for you.

Only you can make the choices that fit with your life and your needs.


  • Single by choice, for my highest good. Self-care, self-growth, focused on my purpose and on my path. And Grateful for that.


– M.

You are Precious

How long as it been since you truly felt loved?

True love is the best kind of love.

Pure love.

Selfless love.

Yet, we believe it comes from outside sources.

The truest, most magical love comes from within.

Be kind to yourself.

Do good to yourself.

Love yourself in the ways you have forgotten.

Take time to care for yourself each day and become your best lover.

Find the space,

Find the time,

Devote whatever moments you can to loving yourself.

You deserve you.

Be kind to yourself today, and each day here on after.


Learn Patience

All things take a process.

Be easy on yourself.

Be easy on others.

Don’t force.

Don’t try to control.

Let go,

Let it be.

Growth and the process of all things is a practice of patience and trust.

Nothing can be forced or controlled into existence, that is expected to last or feel good.

Energy and expectations around love and peace will flourish when detachment of the outcome are allowed to be.

All things in life take time to become.

We must not push.

We must allow and trust that everything that is meant to be will be, in its own time.

Find your center and grow with love and peace for patience is within that truth.

-M .

Trust the Process

Everything you are doing is guiding you towards where you are focusing your attention.

If you have certain goals or desires, allow yourself to focus on them so you can be pulled into that direction.

Have faith that each challenge and experience is guiding you towards those desires.

It might not always feel as though you are on the right path, but as long as you are still here, living and breathing, you are still on your path.

Each experience helps you become more connected to those desires.

Each challenge chisels away more of what is not necessary and strengthens what needs to be strengthened so that you can be better suited for your desired experiences.

This existence is to allow you to grow and heal to become more aware of yourself and your purpose.

You are doing a great job.

Keep pushing.

Keep learning.

Keep trusting.

You are making moves and connecting to your deepest desires.

Trust the path that is laid out before you and understand that each new turn, each new hill, each new speed bump is here to help you move forward with greater strength.

Keep going.

You are doing excellently well, with exponential efforts.

Keep going.

You are almost there.


Love Life Deeply


There are many different times in our life when we don’t know what’s to come.

We try so hard to plan, prepare and schedule so we are certain of all that is to come.

This gives us a sense of peace and understanding of what the future holds.

Yet, this just isn’t the natural way of things.

So when things are going on and we feel this eruption of unsettled thoughts, because there are so many unknowns, we must remember that this is normal.

We cannot know what all is to come. We must trust in the unknowns and let them unfold, like blossoms in the spring time.

We must learn to hold onto a sense of peace for the unknown.

To let the unsettling mind lead the way is to have a unraveled sense of security, and we can’t depend on our security to come from always knowing everything all the time.

That is false hope.

Learn how to let go of the need to know.

Hold onto the adventurous way of expecting to never really know what’s to come.

It can be exciting, if you let it. Our judgement and perception is what we can control.

Let it be good. let it be exciting. Life should be an adventure.


Let Go • Let Flow